Guten abend, as I believe they say in Germany. I’ve probably spelt it wrong too. Anyway, here is an interview I did with Airstream Futures at their gig last night at Wharf Chambers. I’ve not done a face to face interview since the year 2000, so this was kinda out of my comfort zone, anxiety-ridden little beast that I am.

This interview was set up by Graeme Philliskirk of Little Rocket Records (and a bunch of bands like Leatherface and Medictation); so special thanks to Graeme for encouraging me – nay requesting that I do this interview. It’s been really healthy for and challenging to my condition to get out there and do something. More special thanks to Jeff, Devon, Mike and Katie for being kind enough to sit down with me and chat shit – I had a great time.

Anyways, have a listen to this. Sadly I’d stopped recording when Mike told me about getting a boner at Disneyworld when he was 12…
You can check out my review of their recent 7in EP here. You can also stream it there too, and find a link to buy it here.
You can find the remaining dates of the tour in the pic below, so go an see them, they rule.
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