Like doubling over around a punch to the gut that you well and truly deserve. Accepting the punishment with humility and gratitude. Being violently thrust through a morass of despair whilst desperately clutching tight onto golden slivers of hope that might just tear your hands to ribbons whilst providing a firmly anchored lifeline. That’s how this feels.
Understandably, there’s been a sizeable Leatherface shaped void that was going to need some serious filling. The obvious answer would be to throw together a piecemeal line-up. However, no matter how much time passes, the painful memories and the resultant emotional baggage mean it’s necessary to let go and move on. Don’t think of Roach Squad as a side project or stop-gap. Think of it as a new chapter altogether.

Echoes of previous ensembles can be felt, however. The interwoven guitars of Frankie Stubbs and Graeme Philliskirk (now back on guitar after bass-slinging in the Boat), for example, come as close as I’ve heard to the textural richness achieved by Dickie Hammond and Stubbs chewing up fretboards together, whilst evoking a very different feel, perhaps squatting with purpose somewhere between J Robbins (Jawbox), Mike Hale (Gunmoll) and Joe Banks (Avail), whilst retaining that very English sound and haunting resonance you only get from Gordon Smith guitars. You don’t have to listen too hard to pick out what I like to call “signature Stubbsisms”.
Hugo Mudie far more than adequately takes on lead vocals, as he did in excellent previous Leatherface related project, Medictations, as well as his own Sainte Catherines. The vocal ensnares the perfect blend of melancholia and ennui and unleashes it with a bloodied yet unbowed shade of shabby optimism. You know the feeling that’s brought to fore by Samiam at their rawest and best? You’ll feel your scalp and the back of your neck prickling in a similar way.
Obviously Frankie Stubbs enthusiasts will be querying why he isn’t doing the lead vocal. Well, the answer is simple, sometimes he just wants to play his guitar and keep his yap shut, mate. However, don’t be alarmed, as he does take lead vocal on one of the songs here, and I can promise you that you will not be disappointed. As always, the man delivers all you could want and more.
As I often say, a band can only be as good as it’s rhythm section. Sim Robson demonstrates a real talent for laying down a melodic yet driving bassline. This meshes and interplays solidly with Alex Keane’s drums, which are heard here in a very different context to previous outfit (and another favourite of mine), Scottish pop-punkers, The Murderburgers. I think that this backbeat combination is perhaps what helps bring the undercurrent of veiled optimism more to the fore and lends a lift to proceedings that becomes more and more evident evident on repeated listens.
Below, you can view the video for first single to be lifted from the album, titled ‘Wax & Dust’. This recently premiered on one of them sites that are more posh than this one, New Noise. Special mention here goes to Michael Feerick who has worked with Roach Squad on this and the subsequent videos that will be released going forward. Please take a moment to subscribe to the Little Rocket Records YOUTUBE Channel. But here is the video again, ‘Wax & Dust’:
Roach Squad is both a sum of its parts and a new beast entirely. If it doesn’t excite you like it excites me then you are probably dead behind the eyes, mate. No hope for
you, done and dusted. It’s not even 2025 yet, but I don’t realistically see this one being topped.
Tony of Nurgle rating: 10/10
You should note that the pre-order date for this album is currently expected to be in January 2025. Little Rocket Records will be releasing this in the UK, with Rad Girlfriend Records handling the US release. Note that Hugo Mudie will be distributing this in Canada, and all the usual suspects will be distroing this in the EU.