Avast ye scurvy crustaceans of the depths of the internet. I interviewed the kindly gents from Mean Caesar after their set at Wharf Chambers in Leeds (from their gig with Airstream Futures). It was kind of a two for the price of one deal, so I basically used mostly the same questions I asked Airstream Futures in my interview with them. In the spirit of honesty and openness, due to lack of sleep and the aversion of a minor crisis, I hadn’t really had any time to prepare any questions as such, apart from some scrawlings in pad I made whilst cramming a hummous butty into my gaping maw, and then added to on the bus on the way to the gig.

I could probably say what we talked about, but you may as well just have a listen instead.

You can check out my review of the recent one sided 12in record that they recently released (well, less than 6 months ago, so kinda recent?) right here. Go and buy it, like.