Yesterday’s Ring are from Montreal, Canada, and feature members of The Sainte Catherines and Medictation. Yesterday’s Ring allegedly formed on the porch of a punk
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Three chords & the truth
Yesterday’s Ring are from Montreal, Canada, and feature members of The Sainte Catherines and Medictation. Yesterday’s Ring allegedly formed on the porch of a punk
Read more“The songs on this album seem to circle around family and relationships in the modern, societal structures and how we, the inhabitants of these systems,
Read moreUK born but US based singer/songwriter, DL Burdon (or Davey to his mates), is a veteran of the punk and indie scene of his native
Read moreWhat an incredible and unexpected breath of fresh air this is! About a gazillion miles away from both the skate punk heydays of the 1990s,
Read moreTrophy Jump – Haphazard EP CD (Horn & Hoof / JeboTon / Punk & Disorderly Records) Regular readers may recall that Trophy Jump made these
Read moreTeresa Banks – Bridges We Build/ Bridges We Burn EP (Fast Decade Records / Melodic Punk Style / Punk & Disorderly Records / Milestone Sounds)
Read moreAJJ, or Andrew Jackson Jihad (as they were once known) is a name I’ve been aware of for some long number of years now (they’ve
Read moreRehasher/Weak Knees/The Antidont’s Friday, January 5th 2018 Lucky You Tattoo, St. Petersburg FL Lucky me. As Ice Cube once said, today was a good day,
Read moreHot Water Music (along with bands such as Avail – R.I.P) are notorious for being hardworking, constantly on tour, and immune to anything approaching mainstream
Read moreYou could make immediate mental leaps to The Evens (Ian MacKaye and Amy Farina, Dischord Records) as this is an duo comprised of someone that
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